Intellectual Property and Competition
Trademarks, patents, copyrights, database and the different types of intellectual property are an essential part in the process of creating value. With this in mind, Lerro&Partners has been involved in important negotiations, resolving issues related to the various levels of the distribution chain.
In the field of trademarks, we are frequently involved in projects related to commercial products and the fashion industry, including advertising contracts and testimonials coming from the world of show business and sport, with the need to protect their personal identity.
The assistance may include registration and international protection of trademarks and domain names.
Information technology, industrial patents, biotechnology and nanotechnology are treated with in-depth analysis and expertise.
We have experience in dealing with delicate and complex cases involving intellectual property and competition. In particular, we have followed relevant matters before the Italian Competition Authority on concentrations and restrictive agreements, mostly involving large areas of distribution and broadcast media. Lerro&Partners provides full protection and assistance in proceedings before the Italian Competition Authority, including cases concerning misleading advertising.